Today, the President unveils his new budget.
According to the White House, it will bring with it a record-smashing $1.6 trillion dollar deficit.
As political cover, the President has requested that one year from now the U.S. Government freezes all discretionary funding, or $200B.
Or 1.25%.
Unfortunately, many on the left consider the dollars the federal government spends something akin to play money. For some reason, they can’t fully comprehend that each and every American is paying for each dollar spent. And as we go deeper into the black hole that is fiscal insanity, the worse our economic position becomes in the world economy.
Usually, their response to the above would be one of the following:
1) At least he is doing something.
2) George Bush spent a lot, too.
Both are true, and both mean absolutely nothing.
We can’t change the mistakes of the past, but we can push forward to regain our rightful place as the dominating world economic power.
Because as Rich Galen so perfectly states, we’re not alone at the top anymore.