Well, it’s the end of 2010.
And it’s been one hell of a ride.
This is the 1,361st post on 3BP this year. For the mathematically challenged, that’s nearly four posts a day, every day. Considering how rarely I posted on weekends, that’s pretty ridiculous.
Here are a few of my favorites, with a little commentary to go with them…
The State of the State is…
A hysterical list of guesses from several 3BP fans on twitter on how Strickland would describe the State of the State.
Day 1 Fail.
A breakdown of Strickland’s awful rollout.
More Buzz about the White House worrying about Ohio…
One of my favorite pictures of the 2010 campaign: The Organizing for America grassroots powerhouse.
Kasich’s LG – Who will it be?
3BP nails Kasich’s pick.
Breaking it Down – The 2/23 Quinnipiac Ohio Gubernatorial Poll
A poll showing Strickland in the lead also showed some of the first indications of a Kasich victory.
Where in Ohio is Yvette McGee Brown? – THE MUSIC VIDEO!!!
The funniest in the “Where is Yvette” series.
Ganley’s Big Move – What it means in Ohio & the Nation
Tom Ganley may have lost, but his challenge to Sutton helped the dominos drop across Ohio.
Ted Strickland and Chris Redfern keep finding ways to lose.
The first hint that Cuyahoga County was going to cause major problems for Team Strickland.
“Green” Jobs in Ohio – The big joke.
A breakdown of the Strickland green job fallacy.
An Interview with Rick May: On the Front Lines of the Balanced Budget Battle
A 3BP exclusive interview with Kasich’s Budget Committee Staff Director from his days in Congress.
Ted Strickland: Mission Accomplished!
Some of my absolutely favorite photoshops mocking Strickland’s ALL IS WELL moment.
Strickland wins Governor’s Cup! Ohio Saved!
“Say JELLO to prosperity!”
Democrats blew it with Lee.
I finally get to speak my mind about why the ODP was so incredibly stupid in backing Lee Fisher over Jennifer Brunner.
Lis Smith thinks Ted Strickland has a “glass jaw”.
The Lis Smith screw-up that finally got me unblocked from Ted Strickland’s twitter feed.
After a few months of searching, Strickland’s LG candidate was found…and the results were hysterical.
Lee Fisher is a hypocrite.
Video showing just how big a schmuck Lee Fisher really was for the Dems.
The best of “Ohio Democratic Party Books”…
Easily in my top three favorite posts of the year.
The stimulus is not working. Unless you’re in the 43215 zip code.
Hallett is wrong: Ted Strickland is responsible for job loss.
Whether he likes it or not.
It’s the jobs, stupid.
A headline from the Cincy Enquirer that defined the campaign.
You want to talk voter enthusiasm?
The primary vote tallies really did indicate bad news for Dems.
Ted TV
Strickland showed his hand early. And we laughed.
If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, then it’s probably….
The OSFC scandal may have defined Strickland best.
Fisher campaign in total and complete disarray
We start wondering less about whether Fisher can win, and more about how badly he will effect down ticket races. Which is exactly what happened.
BREAKING: Kilroy staff kicks public out of official congressional event
Classy move, Mary Jo.
The Domino’s Theory
Another in my top three favorite posts of the year. This theory turned out more accurate than I ever expected.
Kasich is winning the New Media war
Winning the war online, and why it’s so important.
Kasich supporters should welcome President Obama with open arms
An early analysis of why Obama’s appearance would only help Kasich
Guess which Chairman is the grown-up.
The ODP should consider taking Chris Redfern’s twitter privileges away.
Lee Fisher can’t even be honest about Independence Day parades.
This is just sad.
Worst Campaign Literature of the year?
And you saw it here first.
This was just embarrassing.
Oh no. Not another one.
Trying to list all of Strickland’s scandals is exhausting work.
Ohio Dems: Feel the Enthusiasm!!! – Part 396
The first official sign that things were going to go badly for Dems in November.
Is Strickland closing the gap on Independents?
Dems said yes. I said no. And the exit polls proved me right.
“How to Alienate People and Stoke Class Warfare” by Lis Smith
One of the many times Strickland asked for an endorsement, got denied, then said they didn’t want it anyway.
Team Strickland overly optimistic in Cleveland [UPDATE: Really funny pic added]
The picture that defined the end of Strickland’s campaign.
What I did on my Saturday afternoon.
I get stalked at a Strickland rally. Hilarity ensues.
I believe.
Ted failed.
Absentees show the enthusiasm gap is for real in Ohio
More previews of the bad news to come for Ohio Dems.
Has Strickland given up on winning over Independents?
Yes, he did.
How bad has it gotten for Ohio House Democrats?
They were paying to promote Libertarian candidates. Ouch.
Getting real on Ohio’s jobs crisis
WCMH in Columbus steps up and teaches us a thing or two about unemployment numbers.
Is Strickland’s shadow government already in place?
Ted Strickland isn’t taking losing too well.
A final look at the Ohio Gubernatorial 2010 Exit Poll
What worked. What didn’t. What mattered.
That’ll show ya.
I tried to teach my readers a few things about reading polls these past few months. The results proved me right.
Congratulations Governor-Elect Kasich!
My favorite post of the year. 3BP is the first to call it!
Kasich gets it.
Unlike Strickland, Kasich understands he’s there to do a job first, and not worry about re-election.
Strickland hates Cleveland. Cleveland responds, “who?”
In defeat, Strickland shows the NRA his true colors
Ted proves he was no friend to supporters of the 2nd Amendment.
Kasich’s win was more impressive than you knew.
The 3-C is no more.
That’s it.
Here’s to a happy new year.
A New Day. And a New Way.