It’s been just over one year since I began this blog with the intention to provide insight and analysis, with a hint of smart-ass, on national and Ohio politics. Honestly, I never thought it was going to last this long. After all, this was just supposed to be a hobby, and it still is. Fortunately, with the help of my co-conspirators and enthusiastic readers that lend me a hand now and then, we’re still going strong.
Since last June we’ve been named by the Washington Post as one of Ohio’s best political blogs, had our youtube videos seen by 10s of thousands, been dragged into the world of Twitter, written 676 posts, and developed an audience of over 3300 regular readers.
I’m as surprised at that as you are.
In fact, just today a 3BP analysis was linked to by Red State and the National Review.
As always, never hesitate to e-mail if you have a commet, tip or question, and I always appreciate a good discussion on twitter.
Thanks goes out to all our readers and we hope you keep coming back for more.
Don’t worry. Strickland hasn’t seen anything yet.