This story was actually broken yesterday by Mike Flynn over at I figured it would turn up in the papers and not be necessary to post it here. Oh yeah right. Silly me. The mainstream press is only interested in reporting on news harmful to Republicans.
In any case, if it is news that Rich Iott wore a Nazi uniform in his historical reenactments, than it should certainly be big news that a sitting congressman beat, kicked and subjected his wife to years of “extreme cruelty.”
The ground for divorce is now extreme cruelty, since the parties could not agree on incompatibility. The plaintiff and defendent have been married for 27 years and have four adult children.
Charles admits that early in the marriage he kicked and struck Plaintiff and accused her of adultery. Clare shall confirm the beatings, slappings and kicking at the early stage to the point that she was afraid to anger the Defendent and instead yielded to his demands. She also lied to third parties as to the causes of her injuries. Mrs. Wilson was the typical battered wife.
By 1989, the Defendent had substantially raised her family of four boys. She sought counselling, where she was advised that she must learn to assert herself. She did just that when she advised the Defendent on September 14, 1989, she would not resign from the American Heart Association Board as he demanded.
Charles’ anger arose at his wife’s daring to oppose his demands. He jumped out of his chair and grabbed her about the neck as he slammed her into the refigerator. He then grabbed her about both arms, shaking her as they both went over to the kitchen counter which Mrs. Wilson struck with enough force to take the breath out of her. She then fell to the floor, hitting the bottom door to the sink. As she lay there stunned, she couldn’t move her head or pick up her arm.
Charles admits grabbing Plaintiff by the arms and shaking her. He admits grabbing her around the neck with one hand. He admits bruising Plaintiff’s arms and neck.
So Christine O’Donnell played with witchcraft in her teens and it’s national news. Rich Iott wore a nazi uniform during a reenactment, and its national news. A woman accuses Tom Ganley of harassment without evidence, and it’s all over the news. But Party Line Charlie beats the crap out of his wife, and as Jim Geraghty even notes, we hear nothing from the media. Shameful.
Do you live in Wilson’s district? He’s in a tough race against Bill Johnson, who has a great shot to win this seat back. Do the media’s job for them, and send this story around to your fellow 6th district voters who may be on the fence.