We all remember the fight over Senate Bill 5 last year. And while Republicans proved that the reforms were needed, Democrats condemned it at every turn with every accusation imaginable. Among them were cries that the process was not open and it was simply partisan politics.
So, naturally, all the liberals really wanted was to have a seat at the table and have their voices heard during the legislative process, right?
Apparently not.
With Senate Bill 335 moving through the legislature, co-sponsored by Democrat and strong union supporter Sen. Nina Turner, the legislation to reform the failing Cleveland Public School system is garnering incredible bi-partisan support. The bill is the brain child of Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson—a Democrat—and is being considered before the Senate Education Committee, of which Turner is a member.
The bill’s passage looks promising, and should garner votes from both sides of the aisle.
But don’t let that little fact get in the way of the prolific liberal malcontents known as the Plunder Pals. They decided that attacking one of their own was a good move, despite Turner’s past advocacy and staunch liberal leanings:
Nina Turner throws teachers under the bus
…Sure, Turner was the most outspoken Senator on SB5 last year and teachers absolutely considered her a friend of education. This year she again seems to be the most outspoken on these collective bargaining issues, but she’s chosen the wrong side of the issue.
Of course, that sentiment is shared by them and only them, as the Cleveland Plain Dealer came out this week in support of the plan, and in defense of Sen. Turner:
Have union members forgotten that Turner stood up to Republicans who backed Senate Bill 5, a bill that severely limited public employees’ collective bargaining rights? Her advocacy helped doom the bill last November.
Perhaps they don’t realize that the levy-sharing plan is a two-way street. High-achieving endorsed charters will get tax dollars, yes, but the district will also be able to claim the charters’ test scores and student enrollment as their own. That’s a win-win for children — and teachers.
Senate Bill 355 is a great first step in reforming a very broken Cleveland school system and it finally helps to put kids first when it comes to education. The bill is the creation of Cleveland’s most prominent Democrat. It has the support of Ohio’s top Republican. And it’s being sponsored by one of Big Labor’s top spokespersons.
That’s bipartisanship, folks.
So why are liberals whining now? Well… that’s really all they do.