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Third Base Politics


Ohio Independents and Obama

The headlines read: Obama rebounds in Ohio.

True enough. His favorability rating has increased to over 50%.

But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t face serious issues. After all, among Independents more people disapprove than approve of how he is handling his job as President.

But overall approval is just one thing. To minimize vulnerability you have to win the issues.

And Obama isn’t.

Among Indies, Obama is down 11 when it comes to handling the economy.

Health care? Down 9.

In addition, more Indies oppose his health care reform plan by 9 points.

By 72-22, they think Obama’s plan will add to the deficit. A claim Obama himself said is untrue.

In regards to his speech last week, 64% said it made zero difference or made them less likely to support his plan. Only 15% of Indies said it made them more likely.

Now, to be fair, the same poll isn’t kind to Congressional Republicans. But as anyone who follows polling knows, the word “Congress” always brings extremely low numbers.

One thing is clear. Among Independents, the swing votes of every election, Obama is facing extreme pessimism and doubt. Unless that turns around, this lack of popularity will be dangerous for incumbents heading into 2010 and, in turn, massively decrease the President’s political capital.

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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