Not cash. Political capital.
Rasmussen daily numbers on the President’s approval rating have lately been a good source of red meat for the conservative blogosphere. His success at being the most accurate national pollster from 2008 boosted his legitimacy and forced many to buy-in to his polling model of robo-calls to likely, versus registered, voters.
His Presidential Approval Index in particular regularly makes a buzz. It measures the Strongly Approve versus Strongly Disapprove numbers, and the difference marks the index. For example, yesterday’s numbers had Obama at 28% strongly approve versus 40% strongly disapprove for an index of -12.
Strongly disapprove.
George Bush’s strongly disapprove numbers in the last month of his Presidency?
A 3-point difference.
Can you imagine if it gets any worse for Obama? History books will be written about the President who not only spent taxpayer dollars faster than any other President, but spent his political capital even faster.
Now, to be fair, Bush’s index was higher since he didn’t have many folks strongly approving. But the takeaway here is the skyrocketing, comparable, and most importantly – intense, disapproval of President Obama.
Now, Dems may say such numbers are to be expected. After all, every McCain voter probably strongly disapproves.
And they’re probably right.
But that didn’t used to be the case.
Just two months ago this number was hovering in the mid-to-high 20s.
And now. 40%. And trending upwards.
The fact of the matter is that the intense negativity that did in President Bush’s agenda is now at very near the same levels for President Obama.
And that means he’s maxed out his political capital credit card.