Gov. Strickland’s State of the State has come and gone. As expected, his first priority is education.
“We will graduate Ohioans ready to succeed in the modern economy and in modern life,” Strickland said during his one-hour speech. “Future generations will look back gratefully and say that when we came together on education, we claimed this new century for Ohio.”
In this time of admitted economic crisis, should this really be the #1 issue? Currently, Ohio is ranked 3rd in the country for the number of adults with bachelor’s degrees. 3rd! I dunno, Guv…but I think we’re doing ok when it comes to “graduating Ohioans”. But why would this be the number one issue? What could it possibly be?!?!
“…it’s important to note that no single group gave more money directly to House Democrats last election cycle than the Ohio Education Associaiton.”
Oh. Ok. I get it.
Another highlight?
“But the budget I will present next week will be balanced. And it will not raise taxes on Ohioans.”
Governor, state law requires the budget to be balanced. You don’t have to try to brag about it. And to think, the Dems gave this line a standing ovation.
As for the corporate and personal tax relief necessary to get businesses coming back to Ohio….well, there is none. Not that we need it or anything, right?