Democrats and liberals are always eager to turn the tragic crimes of others into political opportunities for themselves. We’ve seen our fair share of it here in Ohio.
Last year, we told you about how Progress Ohio and Mayor Michael Coleman’s office conspired with Mayor’s Against Illegal Guns to create a fake website immediately after a student killed three of his classmates at Chardon High School. The site was promoted to people so that they could send condolences to the Chardon victims. But it’s real, sinister purpose was to collect email addresses and add them to anti-gun propaganda lists.
Within hours of a school shooting where children died, these cretins were jumping at the opportunity to use it to their political advantage. Even worse, they did it in a most despicable and underhanded way. They fooled people.
They lied to people and told them they were sending condolences to the victims, when in reality they were unknowingly signing themselves up for anti-gun propaganda. The blood was still fresh, but they were already scheming to take advantage of people who wanted to comfort others.
Of course, we’ve seen in the past that progressives don’t let the truth get in the way of their radical agendas. But this was especially repugnant, even by their usual standards. ProgressOhio and Mayors Bloomberg and Coleman should be ashamed of themselves.
Disgustingly enough, now Ohio Democrats are doing the same.
Jerid Kurtz is the Ohio Dems Communication Director, and he had this to say on Twitter earlier today.
.@Casey_Kozlowski You and @JohnKasich are responsible for that harm to Chardons school children. One day the damage you did may dawn on you”
He later deleted the tweet. But screenshots are forever.
The fact that he deleted it shows that he knows he went too far. Chris Redfern must be beaming with pride. He found a communications director who shares his affliction with diarrhea of the mouth.
But what about other Democrats? Is this caliber of repugnant talk how you want your party to be represented? The very same Jerid Kurtz has been demanding for weeks that he wants John Kasich to fire Debe Terhar for a Facebook post that he claims compared Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler. And then he goes and attempts to tie Governor Kasich and other Republicans for the tragedy in Chardon?
Shouldn’t the Ohio Democratic Party remove Kurtz from his job for such talk? After all, it was Chris Redfern who said “dangerous, inflammatory rhetoric” should not be tolerated? If Redfern wants to prove he isn’t a hypocrite, he’ll deal with such rhetoric out of his own party.
Kurtz is leading some sort of rally in support of firing Terhar tomorrow. I hope any journalists that are there ask him how his own words are not worse than the Facebook photo that Terhar shared.