So the government will reopen, the debt ceiling will be raised, and not much else has changed. Except that the Republican Party has reached its lowest approval ratings ever.
This whole strategy reminds me of the underpants gnomes from South Park. There’s something missing. And so far, none of the defunders has been able to tell me what it is.
Let’s walk through the strategy again.
1. The House passes a resolution that defunds Obamacare, (which isn’t even really possible anyway.)
2. The Democrat controlled Senate strips the defunding language out of the bill and sends it back to the House.
3. The government shuts down.
4. ????
Someone please enlighten me what was supposed to come next.
Do the defunders really believe that Senate Democrats AND Barack Obama would EVER consider defunding what they consider their most important accomplishment? Ever?
Imagine this for a minute. Ted Cruz is president and the Republicans control the Senate with Rand Paul as majority leader. At long last, a balanced budget amendment has been ratified. But then the Democrats regain control of the House and Nancy Pelosi is Speaker again. The House passes a repeal of the amendment and refuses to pass a budget or a CR unless the Senate and President Cruz sign off on the repeal.
With Pelosi’s and the Dem’s approval ratings plunging into the 20’s, would Cruz and the Republican controlled Senate ever even consider it? Would they even think about repealing their signature accomplishment?
Of course not.
But that’s what the Defund movement leaders expect you to believe would’ve eventually happened if the Republicans “had only stuck together”.
Ted Cruz is talking about so many people “rising up.” Really? Who? More Americans are pissed off at his party than ever before. Is he referring to people like me and you who already want to see Obamacare repealed? Wow, that’s an accomplishment. I love Cruz’s energy and passion, but when you get to the point of asking your colleagues to filibuster the bill you wanted the House to pass, then I say your strategy is just plain stupid and devoid of any reality.
Only after nearly 2 weeks did the strategy finally shift to something perhaps more attainable, like a delay of the individual mandate or reforms to entitlements in exchange for sequestration relaxation.
But by then it was too late. The American people weren’t rising up, they were pissed off, mainly at Republicans. The Democrats had already won the war of public opinion and didn’t need to bargain any further.
With that being said, some of the backstabbing and attacks by the likes of John McCain and Peter King were also completely uncalled for.
One last question: If this strategy was going to work, why didn’t we ask for more?
Why didn’t we just include full repeal of Obamacare? Heck, why didn’t we go whole hog and demand Obama’s resignation before we’d fund the government?
Those would have been equally realistic demands, right?