Co-written by Nick and Rachel
As we all know, Ohio Governor John Kasich formally entered the race for the GOP nomination last Tuesday.
Some have criticized his late entry into the race, and he hasn’t reached more than 2% support in any national polls. Fox is hosting the first debate of the cycle in just a couple of weeks and at this point, Kasich might not qualify to appear in the debate in his own home state.
He needs a bump in the polls to get on stage, and fast. We here at 3BP may just be bit players, but we have a suggestion that, if Kasich does it, would grab headlines and some good will among the national GOP base.
Kasich should emulate a policy that has been enacted by fellow candidate Scott Walker and announce that he is pursuing the immediate defunding of Planned Parenthood in Ohio.
In WI, we defunded Planned Parenthood. The disgusting videos that @HillaryClinton won’t condemn show we made the right decision. – SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) July 22, 2015
We’ve all been disgusted by the actions of top Planned Parenthood directors as they cavalierly discuss how they alter their killing methods to safely harvest and sell off the organs of aborted babies. Just today, another video was released. It shows Planned Parenthood officials picking apart baby parts in a pie plate and discussing prices.
Another 2016 candidate, former Texas Governor Rick Perry also cut off funds for Planned Parenthood in his state.
“Defund Planned Parenthood Like We Did in Texas” – @GovernorPerry
— Team Rick Perry (@TeamRickPerry) July 22, 2015
Unfortunately, Planned Parenthood received $1.3 million in state funds in Ohio in fiscal year 2014.
This move would make sense for Kasich in several ways. First, he is steadfastly pro-life and has already enacted other pro-life reforms in Ohio.
Further, Kasich talks often of his faith and how it guides his decision making, such as the one to expand Medicaid in Ohio. It seems natural that that faith would also include protecting the most defenseless and innocent among us by stopping the flow of tax dollars to the largest abortion firm in the nation.
Defending the unborn and sparing taxpayers from funding the atrocity that is Planned Parenthood would be a feather in the cap when one gets to the pearly gates, after all.
Democrats are always quick to point out that Planned Parenthood provides other services to women, and that’s what the tax dollars are for. But in light of these stomach turning videos, it is now clear that states need to find other ways of providing services to low-income women if they choose to do so. Planned Parenthood has always been tainted with abortion, and now we know they have been selling aborted babies’ organs.
If Democrats truly cared about providing non-abortion services to women, they’d offer alternative providers. But in truth, Democrats actually love abortion, and they also love all of the campaign donations that Planned Parenthood sends their way.
Fortunately for Kasich, his party controls Ohio’s legislature. If he were to ask for a bill to cut Ohio tax dollars from Planned Parenthood, he’d get it passed and on his desk to sign in short time.
He has an opportunity here to send a message and make a statement for himself as well. I hope he takes advantage of it.
Defund Planned Parenthood.