Last July, we suggested that Governor Kasich take steps to defund Planned Parenthood in Ohio. He has been a consistently strong pro-life governor. Yesterday, he did exactly that when he signed House Bill 294.
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Gov. John Kasich signed legislation Sunday to strip government money from PlannedParenthood in Ohio, a day after the Republican presidential contender’s weak performance in his party’s South Carolina primary.
The expected action came despite calls for a veto by some legislative Democrats and several newspaper editorials.
The governor did not sign the bill in public. His office made the announcement in a statement.
The legislation targets the roughly $1.3 million in funding that Planned Parenthood receives through Ohio’s health department. The money, which is mostly federal, supports HIV testing, breast and cervical cancer screenings, and prevention of violence against women.
The legislation prohibits such funds from going to entities that perform or promote abortions, their affiliates and those that contract with an entity that performs abortions.
Planned Parenthood and their Democrat puppets, who run their campaigns on the blood money Planned Parenthood donates to them, are of course squealing like stuck pigs.
“This legislation will have devastating consequences for women across Ohio,” Richards said in a statement. “John Kasich is proudly eliminating care for expectant mothers and newborns; he is leaving thousands without vital STD and HIV testing, slashing a program to fight domestic violence, and cutting access to essential, basic health care.”
That’s false, of course. Planned Parenthood is NOT the only organization who provides women’s health care for the poor. And the money wasn’t cut. It’s still earmarked for providing low-income women’s health care. It just won’t be spent at organizations that also provide abortions.
This is the right thing to do, and it exposes Democrats’ true motives. They don’t care that the money is still being spent to help women. They only care that it goes to abortion mill Planned Parenthood. As a whole, Democrats love abortion, and they love the abortion money that flows into their campaign warchests. That’s what this is all about. End of story.
One other positive note is that there is one Ohio House Democrat that not only supported the bill, he co-sponsored it. Rep. Bill Patton of Cleveland stood with unborn children and helped make it a reality that Ohios taxpayer’s dollars won’t be subsidizing abortions any further.
Thanks go out to Rep. Patton, all the Republicans in the legislature (except 2) and Governor Kasich for standing up for life in Ohio.