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Read This Before You or a Family Member Considers Another COVID Booster: Naomi Wolf reveals shocking details about the COVID vaccine contained in the Pfizer documents

What could cause a die-hard, liberal feminist to return to her religious roots and admit that she is embarrassed that she voted for “those people?” For Naomi Wolf, CEO of DailyClout media, it was discovering the contents of the Pfizer documents – the 450,000 documents Pfizer submitted to the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in support of the approval of the Pfizer COVID vaccine.

In a recent presentation at Hillsdale College entitled What’s in the Pfizer Documents?, Wolf states the following:

  1. The Pfizer documents contain evidence of the greatest crime against humanity in the history of the species. (timestamp 11:20 mins in linked video)
  2. Adverse events and side effects of the vaccine, known to Pfizer and the FDA, were much worse and different from what the public was told to expect. (11:36)
  3. The Pfizer vaccine program represents a war against women’s ability to reproduce. (27.47)
  4. This war against women is not global but focused on women in W. Europe and N. America. (31.55)
  5. The Pfizer vaccine is a bioweapon, and we are under attack. (34.25)
  6. Early studies on rats demonstrated how the vaccine can be used to kill without leaving a fingerprint. (38.40 min)
  7. Pfizer has transferred 100% of vaccine technology to China, a country that does not use the Pfizer vaccine. New vaccines are being manufactured and controlled by China and Chinese Communist Party (CCP). (35.59)
  8. China wants our land and resources, but not the people. (41.42 min)
  9. The Good news: 430 million doses of Pfizer vaccine have expired because people don’t want them. (45:15)

Release of Pfizer Documents Leads to Creation of Analysis Team (5:00 mins.)

The Pfizer documents were published in 2022 after a federal judge in Texas ordered the FDA to make the documents public over an 8-month period, rather than the 75 years the FDA said it would take to respond to a Freedom of Information Act request.

Wolf immediately realized that journalists were not equipped to understand and analyze the content of the documents, so in what she calls “a great irony” she went on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast and called for subject matter experts to volunteer to review the Pfizer documents. By that time Wolf had been smeared globally by the mainstream media and a subsequent lawsuit showed that the White House, CDC and possibly DHS had colluded to have her de-platformed from Twitter. Her crime? A report she wrote in June of 2021 stating that women were experiencing menstrual symptoms after receiving the COVID vaccine.

Ultimately 3500 subject matter experts responded and agreed to volunteer their expertise. Volunteers were divided into 6 working groups to review the documents and to boil them down to 58 reports written in a language that a lay person could understand.

Adverse Events & Side Effects – What Pfizer Knew & When (11:36 mins.)

  1. Pfizer knew in November 2020- one month after the rollout of the vaccine – that it didn’t work to stop COVID, and the third most common side effect was getting COVID!
  2. Within the first two months of the rollout, Pfizer was getting so many reports of adverse events they understood they needed to hire 2400 full-time staff to process the paperwork as well as to prepared for the flood of adverse reports expected in the future.
  3. Pfizer and the FDA knew by May of 2021 that the vaccine had caused heart damage in 35 minors within a week of injection. The government didn’t tell parents of these risks until 4 months later in August of 2021! Instead of a warning, parents and children were bombarded with propaganda on social media and TV about the positives of being vaccinated which was funded by the federal government under the Cares ACT, and by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  4. The CDC said that the injected vaccine materials stay in the injection site. The Pfizer documents show this is not true! The injected materials include mRNA and spike protein encased in lipid nanoparticle (LNP). The LNP are covered in industrial fat and polyethylene glycol. These LNPs are designed to cross membranes and distribute throughout the body within 48 hours of injection. Pfizer documents show they distribute to the brain, liver, adrenals, spleen and ovaries of women! There is no mechanism known to date capable of ridding the body of these LNPs and their contents. Instead they continue to accumulate with each vaccine and booster shot. Pfizer knew and the FDA knew.
  5. Three months after roll-out of the vaccine, there were more than 1200 reports of deaths among more than 42,000 adverse events reported to Pfizer. These are catastrophic adverse events and not the same side effects that the CDC said were to be expected:  fatigue, chills, and swelling at injection site. Instead, the documents show incidents of strokes, hemorrhages, neurological disorders, clots, dementia, Guillain-Barre syndrome and Bell’s palsy. Half of the deaths from strokes happened within 48 hours of injection! The most common side effect reported was joint pain; second was constant muscle pain.

Illegal Experimentation on Children (19:40 mins.)

According to Wolf, the most disturbing report (#54) is about children.

Four or five months before the vaccine was approved for use in children under an Emergency Use Application (EUA), Pfizer illegally injected 62 children, some as young as 2 months old. There is no follow-up information in the documents for 28 of those children. Of the 34 with records, a 7-year-old sustained a stroke and a 2-month-old, sustained liver damage.

From other sources it is known that 1000 children were experimented on prior to the EUA in University Hospitals across the US.

War on Women’s Ability to Reproduce (21:27 mins)

Worse that the deaths and disabilities caused by the vaccine, Wolf says that the Pfizer documents show a deliberate effort to disrupt and impair the reproductive cycle of women. “I don’t say this lightly, I am Jewish…but this is literally Mengele-type experiments on human reproduction” – a reference to the inhumane and often deadly medical experiments performed by Nazi physician Josef Mengele on Jewish prisoners at the Auschwitz concentration camp.

  1. In the Pfizer vaccine trials, women participants were told not to get pregnant. 270 women did get pregnant; of those 234 records were “lost.” Of the 36 remaining, over 80% of those that came to term lost their babies due to spontaneous abortion or miscarriages.
  2. Males in the trials were told not to have intercourse with women of child-bearing age. If they did, they were told to use 2 reliable forms of birth control!
  3. LNP can enter breast milk. Nursing babies have sustained seizures and 1 died in the ER of multi-system organ failure after nursing from a vaccinated mother.

Wolf refers to Dr. Jim Thorpe, a maternal/fetal expert, who found in his patients that LNP can transfer across the placenta and cause calcification of the placenta resulting in early deliveries. He has also seen chromosomal abnormalities in newborns of vaccinated women.

Wolf also refers to an independent study by the NIH, which found babies of vaccinated mothers failed to thrive, were agitated and suffered from restlessness and sleeplessness.

According to Wolf, 9 months after the vaccine roll out in most Western Europe and North American countries there was a 13-20% decrease in live births, and double the number of stillbirths in Scotland- a highly vaccinated country. She cites a report of 89 stillbirths in one Canadian province in which the usual number is 2-3 in a year. In what she calls a “baby-die-off,” she notes that it is not global, but focused on Western Europe and North America.

She found a constant theme in the Pfizer documents to be “a war on women and really a war against women’s ability to reproduce.” 72% of adverse events were sustained by women and 16% were found to be reproductive disorders. She asks, “What kind of monsters see this and keep going?”

Men and boys were not spared. LPN transverses the testes of fetal boys and degrade cells important for masculinity and sexual performance. Wolf says that we just don’t know if boys of vaccinated mothers will be able to reproduce in the future.

In concluding this section, Wolf says that after examination of the Pfizer documents, there is “no way to avoid concluding that they (Pfizer) are focused on disrupting human reproduction.”

Geopolitical Implications (33.51 mins.)

Wolf asks in light of what was known to Pfizer and the FDA about the vaccine and the boosters, why did they continue and continue still today? She rejects greed as motivation and says, “I firmly believe, and I will give you my evidence now that this is a bioweapon, and we are under attack.”

She states that in 2021 Pfizer (a German/Chinese company) transferred 100% of its COVID vaccine technology to China. This is a vaccine that China does not use on its people. China has since opened 13 manufacturing plants, 2 of which are located in the US. Importantly if you get a vaccine today, it will be controlled and manufactured by China and the CCP.

Referring to early studies on rats that showed catastrophic deaths after the second shot, she states, “This study demonstrates how to kill without leaving a fingerprint.”

For more evidence that COVID is a bioweapon, she asks, “Who got the vaccine and where was it mandated?

It was mandated for the military, first responders, nurses, doctors, fire fighters and pilots. Wolf comments that this is how you cripple a society. Every university and college except for 6 in the US mandated vaccines for their students. This is how you take out the elite. Now disabilities among 18 to 39-year-olds are off the charts.

Looking at adverse events, of the more than 42,000 reported in the Pfizer documents, more than 36,000 were in the US, more than 8,000 in Europe and only 7,000 in the rest of the world.

Wolf concludes, “China and CCP want our land and our natural resources, but don’t want the people.”

Now for the Good News (45:15 mins.)

On the positive side, Wolf says that Pfizer has announced that 430 million doses of the vaccine have expired because no one wants them. Her company, the DailyClout, has lawyers who are suing Pfizer. She also sees “a lot of good bills being introduced that are aiming to strip Pfizer of its immunity to lawsuits.”

“We are looking at a mass murder situation in a war against humanity.” She hopes that “the evil doers … will all face justice in this lifetime.”

A Journey to the Abyss of Evil (46:30 mins.)

Wolf describes this journey through the Pfizer documents as a hard one because the team found themselves looking at the abyss of evil. She goes on to say, “This experience has forced me to believe in God more literally than before. This evil took over in lock step in a way I couldn’t explain…and I have to conclude in this Biblical moment humanity is being asked to choose. God is going okay this is how bad it can be if you lose touch with me!”

In conclusion she cites a bible verse from 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

About Naomi Wolf

Wolf is an American feminist, author, columnist, professor and CEO of DailyClout, a media company with the mission to empower people by providing information from all viewpoints.

She received her Bachelor of Arts in English from Yale University, and was a Rhodes Scholar at New College, Oxford, where she completed her Doctor of Philosophy degree in English literature. After the 1991 publication of her first book, The Beauty Myth, Wolf became a leading spokeswoman of the feminist movement. In the 1990s, she was a political advisor to the presidential campaigns of Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

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