Congressmen Driehaus and Boccieri, earlier this month you were both listed by Charlie Cook as being in highly competitive races in your respective districts.
And that was before the forthcoming Health Care Reform vote.
Before you decide which button to push, I highly recommend you look at an important poll result recently released by the prominent Tarrance Group.
- When asked if they support Obama’s health care plan, only 39% of OH-1 and 38% of OH-16 voters said yes.
- When asked if they support Reconciliation as a tool to pass HCR, those numbers dropped to 34% and 28%, respectively.
- 76% and 77% believe Obamacare will raise their taxes.
- And most importantly when considering the above numbers, 75% of OH-1 and 69% of OH-16 voters said how their Congressman votes on the bill will be “very important”.
Now, of course Driehaus and Boccieri will hear threats of Pelosi, et. al withholding the all-important campaign dollars that House Leadership can offer. But does anyone honestly think these same Democrat leaders will risk losing control of the House because of a threat they made a few months previous? Didn’t think so.
So in other words, Mr. Boccieri and Mr. Driehaus, if you are tired of being a Congressman, vote yes. If you want a fighting chance, vote no.