Today is the two-year anniversary of Third Base Politics.
It’s sorta crazy to think it’s been that long.
But hey, believe it or not it’s been pretty damn fun.
Ok, maybe my idea of fun and yours is a little different. Ha.
Anyways, I digress. Back to the best part of Weekend Posts…the youtubes.
First up, the always creative OK Go has another video up for a new song of theirs. Gotta love the goose.
I think more than a few of my readers saw the absolutely awful call against the USA this morning that cost us the win. For those that didn’t, here’s the only decent replay I can find so far on youtube. And remember, when you watch this Landon Donovan said the ref refused to tell them what the penalty even was for.
But that tie was worth it just to see this guy.
Finally, this ad from VW is pretty damn cool.
Me? Definitely the fast lane.
Have a great weekend, everyone!