
And we still have 513 days to go.

About 10 minutes ago I received a tweet from the folks at Rasmussen with the results of their latest poll. There were three key findings that should have Democrats getting a little nervous.

  • Voters now trust Republicans more than Democrats on six out of 10 key issues.
  • One of those issues is issue #1, the economy.
  • Independent voters now trust the GOP more to handle economic issues by a two-to-one margin.

Uh oh. If we go by the polling axiom that winning the issue always precedes drops in officeholder approval, the Party in power has plenty to worry about.

What’s even more amazing is how quickly the all-important Independent voters have turned on Democrats. While we’ve had some data showing the economy not stimulating the way Obama predicted, we’ve yet to feel the full negative effects of the massive spending increases.

This means Independents are identifying the programs as those of the Democrats, and the current situation is not simply leftover from when the Republicans were in power.

I think back to when the House GOP voted in unison behind the leadership of John Boehner and Eric Cantor against the stimulus. That sent a resounding message that the stimulus was in the hands of the Democrats. This wasn’t going to be bipartisan. Democrats owned it.

Finally, this result makes you wonder what things would be like if the media played fair.

At least we still have Jake Tapper doing his job.

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