
Apparently things can get worse.

Back on May 18th, we here at 3BP threw up our hands in disgust at the reported $912 million shortfall in Ohio’s tax revenue.

It got worse.

Way worse.

J. Pari Sabety, Gov. Ted Strickland’s budget director, painted a “bleak” picture of the state’s economic situation before the six-member House-Senate conference committee, noting that actual tax collections have been so woefully off from her office’s estimates that she now expects to collect $2.3 billion less than projected.


This kind of news has brought me to wonder something.

Have things become so bleak in Ohio that voters will re-elect Ted Strickland?

Crazy, eh?

Think about it. There is so much ammo to use against him, the cynical independent Ohio voter may find it all impossible to believe.

  • 90% increase in unemployment since he took office
  • Failure to implement an education plan
  • Ethics questions
  • A budget boondoggle
  • Time after time sacrificing principle for politics

With that record, how could any indepedent-thinking Ohioan possibly consider voting for him?

But it just may occur, unless Ohioans take it upon themselves to educate their family, friends and neighbors. If this happens, the Kasich campaign will be that much more effective at communicating Strickland’s failures as things ramp up next year.

One way to help is to sign up at 25on25th.com and commit to contributing $25 to John Kasich on June 25th to help remind us of the 25-year high in Ohio unemployment under Strickland’s watch. It’s a grassroots movement organized by Kasich supporters who want to bring real change to Ohio. Sign up today.

Take action, Buckeyes.

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