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Third Base Politics



The Indy Star has a fascinating look at what it’s like to have a Governor with vision and leadership: The overriding question before Indiana...


Buried at the bottom of the Dispatch’s article on Yvette McGee Brown, James Ruvolo, former Chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party, nails exactly what...


Yesterday, Governor Strickland appeared on 700WLM for a radio interview with hosts Eddie & Tracy. While the 12 minute interview was, for the most...


Yesterday, GOP Senate hopeful Tom Ganley(who?) was pushing to the media that Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts means that he is the more attractive...


Jesse over at Athens Runaway has another Strickland campaign screw up to add to the list I put together from Yvette McGee Brown’s rollout....


Last night isn’t possible without what happened this past November in New Jersey and Virginia. Back in Feburary, about 11 months ago, I wrote...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics