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Third Base Politics



In a post reflecting on the political implications of Strickland’s budget, I stated that I believed that despite Strickland getting 1-2 days worth of...


If you saw Band of Brothers, you’re going to be very excited to see that its companion piece, The Pacific, finally has a release...


Here in the nation’s capital, it’s important not to take living here for granted. For those that have been here awhile, it’s easy to...


Last night, John Kasich released his first statement on Ohio’s budget. Here it is in its entirety: As I have traveled the state over...


Today, we learned that Ohio’s unemployment rate has risen again. Now up to 10.6%. That’s an exact doubling of the rate when he became...


Recently, I caught wind of an interesting rumor from a reader down in Texas. Caroline was good enough to share some info about Craig...


Here’s a hysterical clip of Obama put together by Conan O’Brien: Yeah, they played with the editing. The sad part is, you’re not sure...


For a guy with just a million bucks in his bank but ridiculous amounts of buzz, he knows how to run a race. A...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics