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Third Base Politics



We all know the numbers by now. It’s nothing new to any Ohioan. 10.5% unemployment rate. Number of unemployed up 209,000 just in the...


Yet again, Governor Mitch Daniels of Indiana has shown up Governor Ted Strickland and shown Ohioans what it’s like to have a Governor who...


Ted Strickland’s audacity to attack Senate Republicans this past week made me think of the last time he promised to stick around ’til a...


Senate candidate Jennifer Brunner really knows how to entertain me on Twitter.Yesterday’s tweet was of particular enjoyment: @JenniferBrunner Got my OSU snuggie & in...


I noticed a tweet from Jennifer Brunner posted earlier today. @jenniferbrunner New unemployment figure for OH in Oct: 10.5%. In Oct. 2008 it was...


Turnaround Ted is out with their latest youtube highlighting yet another of the Governor’s numerous negatives. This one? Government ethics. You may remember the...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics