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Third Base Politics



Jonah Goldberg from NRO absolutely nails the significance of NY-23. I wish talking heads could keep it straight. NY-23 is definitely a historically Republican...


Recently, some news was made regarding an article from Site Selection magazine stating Ohio enjoyed the #4 business environment in the country. I know,...


Today, Columbus has the opportunity to do something it hasn’t done since 1999. Vote a Republican into City Council. Matt Ferris is the first...


The ORP came out with the mother-of-all-smackdowns this morning: Reality Check: Strickland Provided Details? Really? Claim: “Strickland insists that he provided detailed plans when...


Well, lookie here at what the Ohio GOP blogosphere cooked up. Looks like this is bigger than just the OU College Dems. At the...


From the morning John Kasich announced his candidacy for Governor, the Ohio Democrats have been attacking his association with Lehman Brothers. Even before the...


I first caught wind of this story last night in a discussion with a friend down in Athens. And it looks like the Ohio...


I first mentioned it back on February 19th. Election Day, 2009 is Barack Obama’s first report card. From my post almost 9 months ago....

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics