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Third Base Politics



Well, at least in Paula Brooks’ world. Check out this beauty from the challenger for the 12th congressional district. “Rediculous.” As a friend said,...


That’s how long it took us to learn about yet another ethically corrupt, criminal, or deviant crony of Ted Strickland’s administration. On the 23rd,...


Recently, the non-partisan Tax Foundation released a document highlighting where state governments concentrate their spending. Is it K-12 education, higher ed, public welfare, public...


Over the past several months, Ted Strickland has attended event after event using education as his theme of choice. Clearly, it’s a strategic maneuver...


Politico is out with a story about Governor Corzine’s hiring of a senior Obama political advisor to ‘right the ship’ of the flailing campaign....


After all, according to him, what matters is jobs: I know that ultimately the measure of an economy is, is it producing jobs that...


From the Weekly Standard: You likely won’t see this poll result elsewhere, so I thought I’d highlight it here. This is a Pew Political...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics