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Wow. The Dispatch Political reporters were busy today. Let’s sum up. Slots.Strickland is in denial about his vicious defeat. And getting into a fight...


Back in January, one of the more widely embraced arguments in defense of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was that the bill...


For weeks I’ve been discussing with friends about the potential political landmine that is Afghanistan for President Obama. Slowly, it has begun to re-enter...


Today, President Obama said Ohio’s economy is going to take two decades to recover. Well, Mr. President, 641,000 unemployed Ohioans don’t have that kind...


Ted Strickland’s 6-1 loss today in the Supreme Court deals a massive blow to the Governor. Massive. As we all know by now, Strickland’s...


With word this morning of the Ohio Supreme Court overwhelmingly shooting down Ted Strickland’s slots plan in favor of a voter referendum, I am...


Not so much. Today, the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services released data on unemployment in Ohio. The headline in the papers over...


ObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObamaObama. He’s everywhere. We’ve been hearing quite a bit about Obama being “overexposed”. In fact, today’s New York Times has an article asking “How...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics