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Third Base Politics



Back during the 2008 campaign we heard Barack Obama speak out of both sides of his mouth on missile defense. Fine. Whatever. Have it...


Or something like that. Honestly, it’s hard to follow this meandering diatribe. I’m pretty sure it’s either about donut holes, a ridiculously healthy cigarette...


Robert Novak left an enduring impression on me during my freshman year at Kenyon. He came to my school to have a ‘debate’ of...


How’s that stimulus working out these days? In a time when we’re supposed to be learning to trust our government to take over health...


A lot of you have likely already heard about the op-ed from the CEO of Whole Foods criticizing Obama’s health care plan. And you’ve...


Last week I made the comment that Charles Krauthammer was much better at policy analysis than he was at political analysis. This actually brought...


Those were the words uttered by Chevy Chase in character as President Ford on Saturday Night Live back in the ’70s. It’s also what...


Much of the talk yesterday in Virginia was about the new poll numbers from the Washington Post for the Gov race between Democrat Creigh...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics