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Third Base Politics



According to Politico: The DNC has purchased radio advertising in 23 districts, thanking members of Congress for supporting health care reform or President Barack...


Franklin County Commissioner Paula Brooks is running against Pat Tiberi for Congress. Wait, I take that back. Franklin County Commissioner Paula Brooks, who doesn’t...


But it wasn’t Republican leadership.I’ve been pushing for awhile that the Grand Old Party would greatly benefit in 2010 by playing the expectations game...


If you haven’t seen the Auto-Tune the News series on Youtube, you’re really missing out. Well, as long as you have a sense of...


Quick everyone, hide your swastikas before you enter that healthcare town hall meeting.


3BP reader Silverback brought to my attention the voter map of Columbus and their votes for the city tax hike. It brings to mind...

Uncategorized has been doing a great job documenting the increasing number of heated confrontations at the “town halls” or “listening sessions” being conducted by...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics