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Third Base Politics



Tim Geithner reminded us again this morning that each of the President’s promises comes with an expiration date. To get the economy back on...


…will we ever see a positive story on Ted Strickland again? This beauty comes from the Akron Beacon Journal: With silence rather than an...


The latest sign that Jennifer Brunner’s campaign is on its last legs comes from Emily’s List. Not with what they’re saying, but with what...


Ah, days like today are what political nerds live for. Campaign finance reporting day. These are also confusing times for the political layperson. The...


Not cash. Political capital. Rasmussen daily numbers on the President’s approval rating have lately been a good source of red meat for the conservative...


Yesterday, Ben Smith from Politico posted on some interesting numbers coming out of the Virginia Governor’s race. Republican Bob McDonnell’s lead has been growing...


With all those trips to New York and DC for fundraisers, it’s no surprise that Strickland has reported quite the fundraising haul. Ohio Gov....


3BP contributor The Seaward had a simple, yet flawed, thought that he shared with me earlier today. Let’s just give $2500 annually to the...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics