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Third Base Politics



3BP contributor Johnny Drama and I couldn’t believe our eyes when we saw this headline. Seriously? Now, I know the Governor wants to pull...


Dear Idiots Who Won’t Let the Obama Birth Certificate Thing Go, Stop it. Listen, I understand how you feel about the President. I’m with...


As an Ohio-centric political blog, I couldn’t help but notice the latest bout of stupid from the state up north. The Michigan Democratic Party...


I wonder if John Kasich will have to report all of the earned media he has gained by keeping quiet and letting Ohio’s newspapers...


When the most recent unemployment numbers came out for Ohio, I noticed something downright frightening. 14 of Ohio’s 88 counties have unemployment rates over...


The Dispatch’s blog has a new post addressing much of what was discussed in the Politico article I linked to early this morning. They...


A three sentence post on the Cincy Examiner’s blog this morning had me riled up. Gov. Strickland will be back in the Cincinnati area...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics