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Third Base Politics



In yesterday’s Columbus Dispatch, Columnist Joe Hallett wrote a piece that began with these paragraphs: As President Andrew Shepherd, Michael Douglas makes a dramatic...


3BP contributor Johnny Drama is out with yet another dropkick to the abdomen of Governor Stricktaft. Simple. Effective. True.


Even DJ Tablesauce has to rest. Or take a few days off and head to Dewey Beach with 23 of his best friends. Check...


Below is an e-mail 3BP got a hold of from the Federal Representative for the State of Indiana: Last week, Governor Mitch Daniels and...


Remember where you heard it first. And some dare to say blogs are going out of style…well lookie at we did. Nyah.


This past weekend yet another article from an Ohio newspaper highlighted Gov. Stricktaft’s deficiencies and emphasized his rising negatives. Since so many newspapers are...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics