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Third Base Politics



I’m told this was spotted at an office in Columbus:


…one flip-flop at a time. New 3BP contributor Johnny Drama has put together one helluva video highlighting the extreme rhetoric from both sides of...


This afternoon I noticed some new numbers from 2008’s most reliable pollster, Scott Rasmussen. Every so often he conducts a poll gauging whom the...


If you haven’t heard of her by now, read this.


It’s been just over one year since I began this blog with the intention to provide insight and analysis, with a hint of smart-ass,...


Obviously, this is a meeting in the Oval Office to determine the new Czar of Diversity. But seriously, Mr. Summers, loafers with no socks?...


As of this morning, the 25 on 25th grassroots movement has approximately 450 people committed to contributing $25 on June 25th to John Kasich’s...


PPP is out with a new poll showing the Ohio governor’s race in a statistical dead heat. How big is this? Well, in the...


The RNC has put out a damning video of the Dems and their plan to pay for health care reform. Ouch.

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics