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Two days ago, President Obama spoke to the American Medical Association in an effort to sell them on his efforts for health care reform...


The Ohio Society of Washington DC is promoting an event to honor our nation’s veterans – An Honor Flight. For those that have never...


Iran photoshopped the Ahmadinejad rally to make it look bigger. Also, I may be seeing things, but it looks like someone else familiar was...


Today, the ‘Spatch has an article detailing Gov. Strickland’s involvement in the all-important budget negotiations. As you all likely know, the Ohio budget has...


Reporting from Washington — The Obama administration this week will propose the most significant new regulation of the financial industry since the Great Depression,...


Ya know, as much crap as we give channels like CNN, the fact this is even news this afternoon on Fox makes me want...


Obama says he’s “deeply troubled” by what’s happening in Iran. I’m not sure that “deeply troubled” adequately defines what I’m feeling after seeing videos...


A blurb in NBC’s First Read this morning had me scratching my head: Dennis Ross is coming to the West Wing, according to multiple...


Apparently Gov. Strickland wanted to give me a gift in return for the video I put together this morning. “I like Bob Taft. He’s...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics