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Third Base Politics



“Secretary Napolitano says she can save $52 million just by purchasing office supplies in bulk.” -President Obama after his first cabinet meeting, 52 seconds...


Based on the status messages of many of my friends on facebook, it seems there are a lot of people excited about Obama’s new...


This generation hasn’t learned that appeasement doesn’t work. Since they’d rather twitter than read history, they need to observe a modern-day version of it...


After taking a look at John Kasich’s Recharge Ohio calendar, it looks like he is speaking at three GOP County events over the next...


While I’ve been punctuating my weekend with drinks on the Georgetown waterfront, eating some great Moroccan food, playing flag football and enjoying the ridiculously...


…it was much too nice a day to blog.


TX Governor Rick Perry may still just be focusing on reasserting his belief in federalism, but that hasn’t stopped the President and Secretary of...


This couldn’t be more symbolic of how Democrats spend money if it slapped you in the face. Virginia Gov. candidate and former DNC chairman...


…is there a bottom? Once again under Gov. Strickland, Ohio’s unemployment numbers increased. Our unemployment rate is at a staggering 9.7%. Just one year...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics