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Third Base Politics



Ah, the blame game continues. Today’s episode of ‘Blame Sarah Palin’ is brought to you by Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post. Now, don’t...


The best election post-mortem I’ve seen yet. Read it all here. “It’s obvious that this newfound pride is not confined to Americans alone. All...


Ladies & Gentlemen, courtesy of the most accurate pollster of the 2008 election, I present you the current frontrunner for the 2012 GOP nomination:...


Marc Ambinder and Chris Cilizza have been following the names being considered for the next RNC Chair. Among them have been current Republican National...


ABC has done what even Fox News failed to do….discuss the Palin story by using a NAMED SOURCE. Oh the humanity! “Stapleton says that...


Kudos go out today to Reps. Roy Blunt, Eric Cantor and Adam Putnam. Thanks to them, House Republicans are so far avoiding a civil...


Utilizing website designers from 1996, Joe the Plumber has decided to drop plumbing and go into the ‘watchdog’ business. “Despite rumors that I may...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics