Wow. There haven’t been many more perfectly symbolic actions than this one. It was supposed to be some routine election-year largesse from Democrats: a...
Hi, what are you looking for?
Wow. There haven’t been many more perfectly symbolic actions than this one. It was supposed to be some routine election-year largesse from Democrats: a...
Last week yet another scandal exploded out of the Governor’s office as his Director of the Ohio School Facilities Commission, a man in charge...
Over the weekend, you may have seen my quick rundown of the deficiencies of Joe Hallett’s article on the Ohio Democratic Party’s dinner event....
In 1980, Ronald Reagan ran on the slogan, “Let’s Make America Great Again”. In 2010, John Kasich wants to do the same for Ohio.
It’s not too hard to see where Joe Hallett’s allegiances lie. Today, the day after the Ohio Democratic Party’s big fundraising dinner, this was...
You remember Rebate-gate, right? It’s the story from last week where we learned Ohio spent their federal stimulus dollars on a project that funded...
All too often I’ve had to describe Governor Strickland’s decisions as either incompetent or purposefully and ethically wrong. Well, I guess it’s time to...
When the American people were being sold on the stimulus, Obama and his Democratic friends in Congress promised us a “jumpstart” to the economy...
Thanks to the irresponsible spending of billions of dollars in stimulus funds and exorbitant spending for far too long before that, Ohio finds itself...
I’ve seen some of my liberal friends on twitter and facebook rejoicing about Elena Kagan’s confirmation by the Senate. A number of them are...