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Third Base Politics



In one of the most stupid ideas ever, Democrats have latched hard onto this statement from John Kasich: Kasich: “I’m not singing in any...


Yvette gave a speech this morning. The prepared remarks included the following sentence: I am so very proud to be running alongside Governor Ted...


So far, Governor Strickland’s only response to filling the massive $8 billion deficit upcoming in the next budget has been to beg the federal...


CEOs make the decisions. They decide whether a company expands, folds, hires, fires, moves, or stays. Well, back in May CEO Magazine conducted a...


Well, technically this is 2,009, but who’s counting. Last week, 3BP celebrated it’s two year anniversary, and now we’ve already surpassed 2000 posts. In...


Yesterday we spoke of the surprisingly poor job the DSCC had done in fundraising so far this cycle. Well, unfortunately the same can’t be...


Well, Kasich has his first “-gate”….and it’s stupid. Several days ago, John Kasich went on Alan Colmes radio show and said the following: “I’m...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics