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Third Base Politics



One of the most frustrating things about the Obama Administration is there overwhelming desire to exploit a crisis. That’s not leadership. That’s not the...


Rep. Zack Space blew it. He surprised many by jumping early into the ad war, and surprised even more by making the ad a...


Yesterday, I posted a video where Mary Jo Kilroy stated the following: “I was there and I voted against the TARP.” TARP was passed...


Apparently when President Obama comes to Columbus on Friday, he will be focusing on the results of his stimulus bill. Those results in Columbus?...


Emily’s List, the political organization designed to promote pro-choice female candidates, has finally decided to stop ignoring Ohio and get involved. After blowing off...


This morning 3BP highlighted how many stalwarts of the left totally and completely panned the President’s speech last night. Well, someone else went after...


Or, at least the ones on Morning Joe. Kasich gets a lot of props for balancing the budget and being the kind of leader...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics