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Third Base Politics


I was born and raised in Ohio. After growing up in the Columbus area, I moved to Cleveland to study at Case Western Reserve University, and have lived in Northeast Ohio ever since. I live in Wellington with my wife and son. I work in the private sector and have never worked in the political field.


Unless you live under a rock, you know about this idiotic anti-2nd amendment editorial that Bob Costas chose to deliver during halftime of the...


The results out of the election were bad, but not completely so. Here are some good things for Ohio Republicans to take out of...


Obviously a disappointing night. There were a lot of encouraging signs for our side, but the Obama turnout machine did its job well. It’s...


We’ve previously talked about the early vote game in Ohio and how the early numbers looked good for Republicans and not so good for...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics