While there has been some discussion about Joe Biden’s solution for Afghanistan, there is one talking point I’ve yet to hear from Republicans critical of the strategy.
It’s simple: The Vice President’s plan for Afghanistan is nothing short of surrender.
From the LA Times:
The vice president’s plan: Scale back the overall American military footprint in Afghanistan, drop the mission of rescuing the country from the Taliban, focus on strikes against Al Qaeda along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border — the real threat to U.S. national security — using special forces and Predator missile attacks.
To be clear, Biden is accepting Taliban control of Afghanistan.
This is the definition of pre-9/11 thinking.
For argument’s sake, let’s say Biden’s plan is implemented and does the impossible and all Al Qaeda are eliminated. Does anyone honestly believe a Taliban-run Afghanistan won’t enable alternative islamofascist terror cells to prosper?
President Bush wasn’t kidding when he said we were in this for the long haul. It’s unfortunate the White House is trying to take what they believe to be the politically safe way out, rather than considering the long-term ramifications of their proposal.
In addition, make no mistake, the Biden plan is the White House plan. The proposal never would have seen the light of day for public and political scrutiny otherwise.
I say again, as I’ve said many times before, Afghanistan will prove to be a political disaster for the Obama White House.