Unless you live under a rock, you know about this idiotic anti-2nd amendment editorial that Bob Costas chose to deliver during halftime of the Eagles/Cowgirls game last night:
There are so many things wrong with this.
The first of which is…it’s a football game, Bob! Nobody is tuning in to hear political arguments. Your comments belong on the Sunday morning talk shows, not Sunday Night Football. Bob Costas took advantage of his position to air his liberal views to a captive audience. If NBC and the NFL knew about this ahead of time, shame on them as well.
Costas’s final conclusion came down to this brilliant piece of logic:
“If Jevon Belcher didn’t possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today.”
His reasoning seems to be that since Jevon Belcher committed a crime with a gun, all guns should be outlawed and nobody should possess them. What simplistic garbage. Let’s apply Bob’s logic to other tragedies.
– If airplanes didn’t exist, those 3000 people who died on 9/11/2001 would still be alive today. We need to ban airliners so this never happens again.
– If big tractor trailers weren’t allowed on the highways, Ali Ali would still be alive today. Large trucks are killers and need to be outlawed.
– If Marina Krim hadn’t possessed knives in her home, her two children would still be alive today, and not stabbed to death by their nanny.
Clearly, we need to apply Costas logic to make the world safer. What’s worse, the usual anti-gun suspects have jumped on the bandwagon to take advantage of a tragedy to advance their political agenda. Remember the folks who created a fake condolence website to trick people into joining their anti-gun email list? They’ve been sending emails like this out:
Dear Nick,
We’ve been receiving an overwhelming response from people wanting to thank NBC sportscaster Bob Costas for speaking up about the problem of gun violence in America.
If you haven’t already, send your message before we deliver them.
Many have asked for additional ways to show their support publicly. After you send a message, we encourage you to share your thanks by writing on the NFL’s Facebook page or by Tweeting this message at them.
–Mark Glaze, Director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns
I found it quite comforting, and humorous, when I checked out the Facebook pages for the NFL and Sunday Night Football that the people calling for Costas to be fired far outnumber the people thanking him.
It’s still a shame, though, that NBC allowed Costas to take the focus off of the problem of domestic violence, and instead make this a story about guns. After all, O.J. Simpson showed us that professional athletes don’t need guns to commit violence against women. Do they, Mr. Costas?