
BREAKING: Great News on the Economy for Ohio and the Nation!!!***

*** – Not really.

From CNN:

Hiring expectations for the fourth quarter are improving around the world except in one key region: the U.S. That’s the finding of two quarterly employment outlook surveys released Tuesday by Manpower Inc. ( MAN).

Employers in 17 of the 35 countries and territories expect to add to their workforce next quarter, according to the Manpower Global Outlook Survey. And 20 of 34 regions reported an improvement in the job outlook, “indicating an easing in the pattern of layoffs prevalent in the past several quarters,” the survey said.

A key exception to the improving trend was in the U.S. The Manpower U.S. Employment Outlook Survey showed among U.S. employers, only 12% expect to add to their workforce in the October-December period, while 14% expect a decline and 69% see no change. Manpower says the results suggest employers expect a slight decrease in the rate of hiring when compared to third-quarter results.

How’s that stimulus working out for ya, America?

h/t: Jim Geraghty

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