Jennifer Brunner, the U.S. Senate candidate whose day job is to make sure that Ohio elections run smoothly and lawfully, is not following a requirement of federal election law in her own campaign — or so it appears based on a review of her campaign finance reports as well as Federal Election Commission guidelines.The Ohio secretary of state, running in the May 4 Democratic primary for Senate against Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher, has consistently failed to list the identities and itemize the salaries of all her campaign staffers, as required by law.
Nowhere does the report say that this covers the salaries of campaign manager David Dettman, operations manager Mary Woods and scheduler Mallory Mitchell — information known only because Dettman told The Plain Dealer when it asked today. Dettman volunteered to the newspaper that he is paid $6,000 a month and Woods and Mitchell each get $3,000.
The FEC says that is precisely the kind of information it wants the disclosure reports to include. The purpose of disclosure is to show the public, including donors, how the campaign spends its money and to assure regulators that campaign finance laws are being obeyed.