Everyone who doesn’t live under a rock knows that George Zimmerman was found not guilty. As such, he should have all of his possessions seized by the state returned to him, including his firearm.
But crooked Attorney General and mexican drug-lord arms supplier Eric Holder decided to order that the Sanford Police actually keep possession of Zimmerman’s gun.
The U.S. Department of Justice, overseen by Attorney General Eric Holder, has ordered the Sanford, Florida police department to keep possession of all the evidence from George Zimmerman’s second-degree murder trial – including the exonerated neighborhood watch volunteer’s gun.
Sanford police confirmed on Thursday that the DOJ asked the agency not to return any pieces of evidence to their owners. Zimmerman was expected to get his firearm back by month’s end.
The Obama administration has no evidence to bring any more charges against Zimmerman. But they are above the law and have decided to play to their extreme base and deny Zimmerman his property back.
So, the Buckeye Firearms Association has decided to do something about it. They want to replace his gun for him.
Whatever you might think about the Zimmerman verdict, the fact remains that we are a nation of laws, not mob justice.
George Zimmerman was tried in a court of law and found NOT GUILTY. And that entitles him to continue exercising all his rights, including his Second Amendment right to own a firearm.
But now Eric Holder and the U.S. Justice department have stepped in to stop Zimmerman from taking possession of his property.
This is outrageous. Mr. Holder is this nation’s chief law enforcement officer. It is his job to uphold the laws, to support and defend our system of justice.
This move to prevent Mr. Zimmerman from claiming his property is an unacceptable abuse of power. And the threats of federal charges on civil rights grounds is little more than blatant pandering for political gain.
Moreover, based on statements he and others have made recently, Holder hopes to use this as the first step toward renewing this administration’s attack on gun rights.
To be fair to all concerned, we have remained silent during the Zimmerman trial. We allowed the evidence to unfold and the justice system to run its course. Now the jury has spoken and that should be the end of the matter.
George Zimmerman has every right to get his property back.
And if Eric Holder chooses to deny Mr. Zimmerman that right, Buckeye Firearms Foundation will remedy the matter by purchasing a NEW FIREARM for him, including a holster, flashlight, and any other gear he wants.
This is about more than mere principle. Zimmerman and his family now face daily threats on their lives. More than ever, he has a right to defend himself against those who would seek to do him harm.
Gun owners must stand together and refuse to allow an injustice like this to go unanswered. If we choose to sit idly by while the full force and weight of the federal government descends upon a free man, it will embolden others to take liberties with our rights.
We know what some will say about this. We know we will be reviled for taking this stand. Our motives will be impugned and our words will be twisted. But that happens already. Those who work against our rights will always do this. It hasn’t stopped us before and it won’t stop us now.
They’re right on. It’s when we stand together when we are the strongest defenders of our rights. The NRA is as strong as it is because it consists of millions of members who voluntarily pay dues to protect the 2nd Amendment rights they cherish.
Of course, BFA’s prediction is correct. Liberal groups are already attacking them for standing up for someone whose constitutional rights are being abused by the Obama administration.