
Cancel this Sister Act… Please!

The Obama for America campaign has released a new video in Ohio. This web advertisement consists of a nun from Cincinnati, along with a mother from Warren, Ohio. It saddens me, that a member of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, is drinking the Obama kool-aid.

“President Obama is the one concerned about the good of the whole, the common good. And is willing to take on some of the challenges that will create systemic change.” – Sister Monica McGloin

Growing up in Catholic school, I had the privilege to be taught by many talented, gracious and respected Sisters. Thankfully, I was never taught by Sister Monica McGloin. She tells us that President Obama is “concerned about the good of the whole”.

If President Obama was concerned about the good of the whole, why does he constantly demonize those who built their own businesses? If he truly cared about what is for the good of the whole, why does he support partial-birth abortion? Why does he support the largest tax increase on the middle class, with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act?
President Obama does not want to take on “challenges that will create systemic change”. When something stands in his way, he just writes an executive order to handle it. The only “systemic change” that President Obama is creating, is a single-payer healthcare system in a non-capitalistic society.

Hard work, perseverance and the chance of accomplishing the American Dream is what make this country successful. The American people deserve better than President Obama. My apologies, Sister Monica McGloin, but perhaps you need to rethink your statement about President Obama being “concerned about the good of the whole”.

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