Organizing for America, the President’s political arm, is still working hard to stay relevant. And that means organizing protests against Leader Boehner in his...
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Organizing for America, the President’s political arm, is still working hard to stay relevant. And that means organizing protests against Leader Boehner in his...
Be quiet!!! Thiz iz topz secrettt!!!
This weekend Paula Brooks is planning on doing some door-to-door to support her hopeless campaign against Pat Tiberi. Perhaps in an effort to keep...
Way back in May I wrote the following… Voters always plead for a straight shooting elected official, but it always seems that those that...
I can’t imagine how dreary a place Fisher for Senate HQ must be these days. We’ve been talking about it for months, but the...
From the American Thinker: Two of those three things — the wars and tax cuts — were in effect from 2003 through 2007. Do...
Ted Strickland needs to sell success stories. With a desperately bad record to reflect upon, those opportunities are few and far between. But a...
The Kasich/Taylor team is back up with another TV ad. This one drives home the solid conservative principles Kasich has been running on for...
It’s not smart to argue with Charlie Cook. The non-partisan political analyst is rarely wrong and has built a business off of being right....
Today we learned Ohio’s unemployment rate is still stuck in the double digits – 10.3%. This is the 16th straight month of where unemployment...