How long will it take until America accepts that Keynesian economics doesn’t work? The U.S. economy created a modest 83,000 private sector jobs in...
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How long will it take until America accepts that Keynesian economics doesn’t work? The U.S. economy created a modest 83,000 private sector jobs in...
Lee Fisher is set to release his numbers soon. Did Wednesday’s fundraiser with the Vice-President help him break his slump? Let me know when...
When Ted Strickland gets voted out of office in November, he’ll need to start doing some job searching. That won’t be easy in this...
Below we talked about the massive budget deficit crisis facing Ohio. A new study helps us understand where a portion of that deficit comes...
Today an editorial in the Dispatch blasts voters for not paying enough attention to the deficit crisis facing the state of Ohio. But who...
If there is one constituency that doesn’t like having their rights trampled upon, it’s supporters of the 2nd amendment. And yet, that’s exactly what...
That’s how many posts you saw here on 3BP in June. This is starting to feel like a lot more than a hobby.
Here’s a great new video by the ORP that highlights the miserable record of the past four years and contrasts it with the hopeful...
Over the past two months, Ted Strickland and other Dem surrogates have dominated the airwaves with attack ads, spending upwards of $3 million to...
“On the spending side, we could and should consider a higher retirement age, or one pegged to lifespan; more progressive Social Security and Medicare...