If you read the Columbus Dispatch yesterday you most assuredly saw this story… As I’ve mentioned previously here on 3BP, I’m getting married late...
Hi, what are you looking for?
If you read the Columbus Dispatch yesterday you most assuredly saw this story… As I’ve mentioned previously here on 3BP, I’m getting married late...
Ohio GOP State Auditor hopeful Dave Yost was able to utilize the big gun in his arsenel over the weekend – Ken Blackwell. Now,...
Tonight I’m heading to see Weezer AND Ben Folds in concert….together. Yeah, it pretty much doesn’t get much better than that. For me, at...
The Strickland campaign is currently rolling out their worn out media strategy of asking local politicians across the state to attack John Kasich. This...
WCMH in Ohio took a closer look at the latest round of taxpayer dollars being spent to do another study of 3-C rail and...
One thing is for certain, the Kasich campaign is a well-oiled machine and they are working their tails off. One Wednesday, Kasich visited Clark...
Not a few hours had passed and the Troopergate IG report already has its first victim. Thomas Hunter, a deputy director and communications director...
This morning the Ohio Inspector General released his report on Troopergate. One thing is clear – Governor Strickland must fire Department of Public Safety...
Today’s Ohio Governor and Ohio Senate poll from Quinnipiac is more of what we saw a month ago. Kasich is down 6 and Portman...