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Third Base Politics


On Tuesday, the Biden Department of Justice arrested leading 2024 Republican presidential contender and 45th President Donald J. Trump. Trump was indicted last week...


Crime victims in Ohio now have new constitutionally protected rights thanks to voters and state lawmakers as reported by Statehouse News. And more victims...

Politics & Elections

According to a video posted to twitter by Ohio State Rep. Gary Click, Planned Parenthood is apparently paying out-of-state workers to gather signatures in...


Ohio Congressmen Steve Driehaus and John Boccieri may be regretting the 111th Congress being their first. First up, Boccieri: At public meetings nationwide, people...


Going back several months, I’ve been calling the federal stimulus a failure, and pushing others to do the same. Obviously, its failure isn’t much...


On August 28th, the Congressional Budget Office released its latest analysis of Obamacare that is going to leave folks at the AARP less than...


If you’re at all familiar with youtube memes(or ‘running jokes’), you’ve likely seen ‘Hitler is mad that the Patriots lost’. It’s a spoof of...


The 2009 gubernatorial elections not only Obama’s first report card, they are also a case-study in the success rate of campaign tactics. As we...


He has to. There’s no other way to explain this delusion. Republicans have been hammering Gov. Ted Strickland for not naming a permanent development...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics