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Third Base Politics


On Tuesday, the Biden Department of Justice arrested leading 2024 Republican presidential contender and 45th President Donald J. Trump. Trump was indicted last week...


Crime victims in Ohio now have new constitutionally protected rights thanks to voters and state lawmakers as reported by Statehouse News. And more victims...

Politics & Elections

According to a video posted to twitter by Ohio State Rep. Gary Click, Planned Parenthood is apparently paying out-of-state workers to gather signatures in...


It seems an entire House caucus is having trouble making sense of Strickland’s boondoggle of an education funding plan. This morning’s press conference to...


Today is the day. It’s gonna be interesting to see what kind of coverage these rallies get in the mainstream press. Obviously, Fox will...


530 employees in Gov. Strickland’s Department of Education, and they still have to outsource. I look forward to seeing the Guv’s plan for scaling...


In today’s speech, Obama said the following… It’s a foundation built upon five pillars that will grow our economy and make this new century...


In early March, the NEA sent a letter to President Obama stating the following: We are now concerned about an ongoing threat to public...


My side is pretty new to this whole ‘protesting’ thing. We’re trying to gather whatever advice we can do as well as you all...


As of the latest update, Scott Murphy had a 25 vote edge on Jim Tedisco in the race for NY-20. According to The Hill...


Enough already. If it seems as if every time a cable television news show cuts to commercial, some group with a vague but noble-sounding...

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics