- Charlie Wilson voted for nearly $1 trillion in new spending in the stimulus package.
- Charlie Wilson voted to takeover your health care and spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars to pay for it.
And that was just in the past year and a half.
And now, in an effort to help clean up his mess, he wants you to pay for it.
The “Check the Debt” bill Wilson introduced last week would add a check box to annual tax forms allowing taxpayers to contribute $3 toward paying down the national debt, which currently stands at more than $13 trillion.
Really? That’s your big idea? Make us clean up your mess?
As Bill Johnson, Wilson’s GOP opponent, points out:
During Charlie Wilson’s tenure in Congress, the national debt has increased $4 trillion, or over 40%. The debt recently surpassed $13,000,000,000,000.00 (13 trillion dollars).
For filing year 2009 there were 156 million tax returns filed. If every single filer checked Charlie Wilson’s debt box, it would take over 27,000 years to pay down just the debt incurred so far.
Wilson’s effort is a sham. He’s a tax and spend liberal.
And his ideas sound like they came from the bottom of an 8th grade social studies suggestion box.
Actually, I’ll let one commenter in the Marietta Times article about the idea close this post out:
I have to admit that even though I like Charlie this is … SUPER STUPID!