
Why Does Christina Hagan Slam Trump And His Allies When She Claims To Be “Pro Trump?”

While most campaigns are making their best pitch to voters, Christina Hagan and her staffers are acting like they are hitching a ride on a clown car. These stars of Amateur Hour are clearly not ready for the big show.

Hagan likes to bill herself as a “Pro Trump” candidate but in under 24 hours, her campaign has managed to slam Trump and one of his key allies in Congress.

On Tuesday morning, Hagan attempted to paint House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy as a “big government Republican.” There is a serious problem with a candidate attempting to run under the illusion of being “Pro Trump” making that claim.


Kevin McCarthy is considered to be one of Trump’s strongest allies in the House of Representatives. McCarthy was so instrumental in passing this year’s tax cuts that he earned praise from the President on Twitter.


McCarthy is such a loyal ally of Trump, that many view him to be Trump’s pick for Speaker of the House after Paul Ryan concludes his final term this year.

Hagan would have learned this had she spent a couple minutes on Google. Instead, she took to social media to slam one of the President’s allies while she claims to be “Pro Trump.”

When you’re explaining, you’re losing. Hagan has a lot of losing to do this final week of her campaign.

Christina Hagan’s staffers often trip over themselves lashing out at potential supporters. Even if they know someone doesn’t support their candidate, it is rarely wise for the campaign to ridicule people on social media. It’s often viewed as petty and childish. They are supposed to be professionals. As staffers, they represent the campaign.

Staffer Allan Betz took to Hagan’s Facebook page to slam someone for being engaged to a Democrat. Julie Jakmides is an Alliance Councilwoman. Betz felt it was appropriate to take a dig at her relationship for crossing party lines.


Campaign manager Brian Wollet also dabbled in petty politics when he oinked/snorted at former Hagan supporter Ralph King during the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County endorsement meeting. Not only is that not nice, it’s a foolish move that most people heard.

On Tuesday, I wrote at RedState that Hagan’s consultant Harlan Hill tweeted that Anthony Gonzalez’s use of the “unhinged” is “sexist.” Clutching your pearls without checking the facts is never a good idea. Two hours before, President Trump used the word “unhinged” in a tweet. Oops!

Petty politics is never wise. A campaign or its staffers should not be lashing out.  Oinking, ridiculing, and posting screenshots of former supporters doesn’t help Hagan’s cause.

Social media can be your friend or foe. People have a front row seat for when you act like a fool online. Hagan’s staffers have many of us reaching for the popcorn.

This all makes her look UNHINGED.


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