It has been 3 years to the day since Sherrod Brown and his Democrat colleagues in the Senate have passed a budget.
What has happened in that time? The national debt went from $11.2 trillion from $15.6 TRILLION. That’s an increase of $4.4 trillion, or 39%, in just 3 short years.
Of course, if Sherrod had his way, he would spend even more. Just last year, he signed a letter to President Obama which opposed a cap on federal spending.
Oh sure, Sherrod talks a great game. That’s how he has fooled Ohioans into voting to keep him in Congress, like when he claimed in 2006 to support a balanced budget. But since then, Sherrod has supported every one of President Obama’s reckless fiscal policies, and racked up the 3 largest deficits, as a percentage of GDP, of the last 65 years.
Sherrod Brown promises one thing to your face, but then he does the opposite.
He told us he wanted to go to the Senate and work towards a balanced budget, but he did exactly the opposite. During the last 3 years of Obama and Brown, the US has run up a staggering record of debt.
On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law comprehensive health reform legislation, the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.” This new law will lower costs and strengthen coverage for middle-class families with insurance, while providing help to the more than 30 million Americans who lack it.
Sherrod Brown will say anything to distract Ohio voters from his record of extreme deficit spending and refusal to pass a budget. But we won’t let him get away with it.